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Shisei Dayori September 2024



【Routine vaccination with the new corona vaccine will begin in October. Shisei Dayori August (1)】

The new corona vaccination will be administered as a routine vaccination similar to the seasonal influenza vaccine from this fiscal year. Those eligible for routine vaccination are limited to the elderly, and a partial co-payment (3,260 yen) is required for the vaccination. Those who are eligible for routine vaccination and wish to be vaccinated should consult with a physician before receiving the vaccination to understand its effectiveness in preventing serious illness and the risk of adverse reactions.

【Autumn National Traffic Safety Campaign begins! Shisei Dayori August (2)】

The National Traffic Safety Campaign for Autumn is held for 10 days from Thursday, September 21 to Monday, September 30, which is the “Day to Aim for Zero Traffic Accident Deaths”. Please observe traffic rules and manners to prevent traffic accidents.

1 Ensure pedestrian safety (especially for children and the elderly)

・Always stop at pedestrian crossings, check both sides of the street, and raise your hands when crossing.

・Make sure that your community and household are aware of the safety of the roads you use to get to and from school and other places where you live. Use reflective materials.

2 Prevent traffic accidents at dusk and at night

Pedestrians have priority at crosswalks. Turn on your lights early before sunset.

3 Wear bicycle helmets and obey traffic rules

Adults and children should wear helmets.

There is a traffic rule called “5 rules for safe bicycle use” (see the city website above).

Be sure to observe them.

4. Eradicate drunk driving

Let's have a strong mind to “never drink and drive” and “never let anyone drive under the influence of alcohol.

【Recruitment of Kumamoto City Kindergarten Students for 2025 Shisei Dayori August (3)】


3-year olds (born between April 2, 2011 and April 1, 2022)

4-year-olds (born between April 2, 2010 and April 1, 2021)

5-year-old children (born between April 2, 2011 and April 1, 2020)

Distribution of Application Forms, Application Period, and Inquiries

【Distribution】September 2 - October 15

【Application period】: October 1 - 15

Applications will be accepted only on the days when each school is open.

If there are too many applications, applications will be selected by lottery.

If the application period has passed, please contact us.

・Sekidai Kindergarten

15-23, Minami Sendanbata-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo TEL: 096-352-0511

・Itsushin Kindergarten

1-10-38 Shinmachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo TEL: 096-322-9525

・Kouzan Kindergarten

4-5-2 Motoyama, Chuo-ku, Tokyo TEL:096-356-8803

・Kawajiri Kindergarten

4-1-70 Kawajiri, Minami-ku, Tokyo TEL:096-357-4634

・Kusunoki Kindergarten

3-6-1 Kusunoki, Kita-ku, Tokyo TEL:096-338-8230

・Kumanoshou Kindergarten

1009 Miyachi, Jonan-cho, Minami-ku, Tokyo TEL:0964-28-2143

 For more information, please visit each kindergarten or the municipal kindergarten website.

【Don't delay! Routine Vaccinations for Children Shisei Dayori August (4)】

The timing of vaccinations for children is determined based on the age at which they are most susceptible to infectious diseases, etc. Delayed vaccinations delay the development of immunity and increase the risk of serious infectious diseases.

If you are over the age for routine vaccinations, you will be required to pay for the optional vaccinations. Do not delay and take the vaccination as scheduled.


〒860-0806  熊本市中央区花畑町4番18号  
電話番号:096-359-2121096-359-2121   Fax:096-359-5783  

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