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イヤーエンドパーティ 2023 / Year End Party 2023(報告 report)


【English below】本催事は終了しました、多くのご来場誠にありがとうございました。

~RESTART 世界と再びつながろう~

(日 時)12月9日土曜日 午後6時~8時
(会 場)熊本市国際交流会館6Fホール

  • YEP2023 (51)
  • YEP2023 (34)
  • YEP2023 (6)

  • YEP2023 (27)
  • YEP2023 (38)
  • kudo shot (11)


お電話の場合  096-359-2121
メールの場合  koza@kumamoto-if.or.jp

This event has ended. Thank you very much for your visit.

The long-awaited Year End Party is back after 4 years. It's a perfect opportunity for Japanese and foreign citizens to spend an evening together while enjoying music and games. The event has been planned by the student-volunteers, who, with the corona threat being gone in mind, decided that this year's theme should be "RESTART ~Connect the World Again~". They made a great effort to prepare an event that everyone can enjoy, so please apply and let's have fun!

Flyer Year End Party別ウインドウで開きます

(Date&Time)9th December (Sat.) 18時00分-20時00分
(Place)Kumamoto City International Center 6th floor Hall
(Number of Participants)183 people
(Participation Fee)Adult - 1,000 yen/Primary School Student - University Student - 500 yen/Younger than Primary Scool Student - free

・Performance by members of Indonesian community, Performance in English with puppet, Mexican dance performance, juggling performance
・Icebreaker game, lottery, etc.

◆ While drinks are free, the food served will be around 500 yen each

(Food)Green curry, Massaman curry, fried chicken, menu in collaboration with Kumamoto City Coordinators of International Relations, etc.

(Drinks)Tea, juice, beer, Kumamoto City German Coordinator of International Relations special recipe mulled wine, etc.

Contact Information

Phone number: 096-359-2121
E-mail address:  koza@kumamoto-if.or.jp


〒860-0806  熊本市中央区花畑町4番18号  
電話番号:096-359-2121096-359-2121   Fax:096-359-5783  

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