文字サイズ 拡大標準
背景色 青黒白

A clinic in Kumamoto offers Novel Coronavirus PCR Test and issues Certificate of Negative Results


★A clinic in Mashiki-Machi offers Novel Coronavirus PCR and issues Certificate of Negative Results. The name of the clinic is “Haga Kodomo (Chiledren) Clinic.” It costs 20,000 JPY.

Please visit the following site of the clinic for details:


★Please call the clinic to make reservation. You cannot take the PCR test without reservation.

If you have any inquiries, please contact Kumamoto Consultation and Support Plaza for Foreign Residents. 

(運営 熊本市国際交流振興事業団)
〒860−0806 熊本市中央区花畑町4−18  熊本市国際交流会館2階
TEL:096-359-4995  FAX:096-359-5112

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