文字サイズ 拡大標準
背景色 青黒白




Japanese language class for children, mothers, and fathers from foreign countries.



い つ:(だい)2、(だい)4日曜日(にちようび)
じかん:10時30分~12時 00分
ど こ:熊本市国際交流会館(くまもとしこくさいこうりゅうかいかん)
だ れ:5~8歳(さい)の子(こ)どもとその親(おや)/保護者(ほごしゃ)


電話(でんわ): 096-359-4995   メール:soudan@kumamoto-if-or.jp  またはチラシのQRコードから

★Children will learn proper Japanese pronunciation and usage through crafts, games, and picture book readings.

Even if it seems like your child is having a friendly conversation in Japanese with their friends, they might not be using words accurately or might not have learned age-appropriate vocabulary. To solve this issue, activities will be held in this class that will aid your child’s Japanese development from a professional perspective.

★Parents can consult about kindergarten and elementary school.
Have you ever received a kindergarten or elementary school newsletter that you couldn’t understand? Whether it’s about personal belongings, school events, or preparation for a new semester, we can go over anything you may not understand. We also offer consultation for any troubles or concerns you may have.

Date: 2nd and 4th Sundays  10時30分 am - 12時00分 noon 

Location: Kumamoto City International Center

Fee: Free

Participants: Children ages 5-8 and thier parents/guardians

Please make a reservation by phone, email or QR code on the flyer at least two weeks in advance.

Application : Kumamoto City Consultation and Support Plaza for Foreign Residents      

Phone: 096-359-4995        Email: soudan@Kumamoto-if.or.jp      or QR code on the flyer

(運営 熊本市国際交流振興事業団)
〒860−0806 熊本市中央区花畑町4−18  熊本市国際交流会館2階
TEL:096-359-4995  FAX:096-359-5112

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