文字サイズ 拡大標準
背景色 青黒白

To technical intern trainees and special skilled workers who were fired unfairly and cannot keep their trains anymore in Japan because of the spread corona virus.


The program was established to give more opportunities to help such workers let them switch their jobs in some fields in Japan. And if they once get their new jobs, their residence card will change to  “designated activities”


If you have some questions, please feel free to contact us,


★The Kumamoto Consultation and Support plaza for Foreign Residents★

Tel: 096-359-4995


Hours: from 10a.m. to 6 p.m.

Closed: the second and the fourth Monday




(運営 熊本市国際交流振興事業団)
〒860−0806 熊本市中央区花畑町4−18  熊本市国際交流会館2階
TEL:096-359-4995  FAX:096-359-5112

Copyright(c)2020 Kumamoto International Foundation Allright Reserved.